Latest Wise Words to Love

not have to wait just to be loved and loving, but start with a loved one then you will be loved and love back.

words can not make you to stop, but the words will make you able to beursaha even though the outcome is unknown, keep the spirit !

Try to mirror what has changed over the last 1 year? if only your physical appearance of visible aging increases while your life is not better then that is what will happen bertahun2 to come unless you begin to clean up.

Maybe I was born in an inappropriate time in which love nothing more than a beautiful fairy tale lullaby And when I woke up the next day melancholy story about love What a love again repeated that "he" can not I find beautiful.

No one hukumpun which gives the relationship described as the legalization of courtship, so any kind arising in relation thereto shall have no legal consequences, including a broken lip.

The wisdom of love George Washington Carver. How far life dim your trip depends on whether you love to be more tua.bersimpati the KPD who have fought over who keras.dan tolerant to weak and dim living ini.anda kuat.Suatu day will be one of them.

The wisdom of love Islam Imam Al Ghazali. We will not be able to curb the passions of anger and a whole until ga'meninggalkan any traces in us. But if you try to control keduanyadengan how to exercise and strong determination, we would be.

Hold tight to your dreams, because dreams do not turn it off makes life like a bird with broken wings can not fly.

Use eighty percent of your time to focus on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than thinking about the problem yesterday.

Until you can respect yourself, you will not be able to appreciate your time. Until you can appreciate your time, you will not be able to do anything about it.

Beware of three people: the traitor, tyrant actors, and the complainant sheep. Therefore, one who betrays him for your sake, he will sell out against you and the one who do wrong for you, he will do wrong to you. Also a pit for you, he will do the same thing to you

Indeed the peak determination is tawadhu. One asked the Imam, "Are tawadhu signs' that?" He replied, "Should you not happy in the majlis memuliakanmu, greet people you meet, and even if you leave the debate over kebenara

Beware of those who persecuted, because prayer will be lifted up into the sky.

How may people are greedy to the world will get it in the world. However, when he gets full, it will be the world `reinforcements for him and he was miserable because of it. And how could a hate affair hereafter. However, he can reach it then and he was therefore happy life.

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